Privacy Policy
This website provides an email address allowing visitors to contact LO AJF. If you provide your name, phone number, or information about the nature of your potential legal matter and the identity of other parties potentially involved in that matter, LO AJF may use such information for the purpose of contacting you to discuss your inquiry. If you subsequently wish to update any personal information you have provided to LO AJF, please contact the office at ajf@aaronfischerlaw.com.
If you submit personal information to LO AJF via email, LO AJF will not share your information with third parties unless compelled to do so by law. Be aware that LO AJF may not be able to preserve the confidentiality of information emailed to the firm if such information is relevant to a pending or future legal matter. Do not send any confidential information to the firm by email without first speaking to LO AJF to discuss whether information provided to the firm will be at risk of compelled disclosure.
The Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time. If the policy is revised, the effective date of the policy, below, will be updated. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, you may contact LO AJF.
Privacy Policy effective February 2021.