Thank you for visiting the website of The Law Office of Aaron J. Fischer (“LO AJF”). Aaron J. Fischer is admitted to practice law in California, New York, and Washington D.C. LO AJF may also handle cases in other jurisdictions with the local court’s permission (pro hac vice) and with the assistance of local counsel as required by such the relevant jurisdiction’s laws and ethical rules. The attorney responsible for the content on this website is Mr. Fischer.
This site is for general information purposes only, and is not intended to provide any legal advice. Every case is different, and any decision you make about your legal rights should be based not on consultation with an attorney whom you have hired to represent you. This website may link to certain articles; LO AJF does not monitor those articles and does not warrant that they are accurate or up to date.
Legal claims are generally subject to time-limits (statutes of limitations), and failure to assert a claim within the applicable time-limit may result in the claim being lost forever. Merely visiting this website or submitting an email to LO AJF does not make you a client of LO AJF, and does not obligate LO AJF to take any action on your behalf, including with respect to protecting your rights under any statute of limitation. If you have a potential claim, it is essential that you actually speak with and retain an attorney in order to be certain that you are protecting your legal rights.
LO AJF does not represent clients unless and until LO AJF and the client have entered into a written representation agreement signed by both parties. Although LO AJF strives to respond promptly to each inquiry it receives, LO AJF does not guarantee that it will respond to each inquiry it receives. If you have not received a prompt response to an inquiry, you may contact LO AJF by telephone to follow up, or you may contact another attorney to represent you.
This website may be considered attorney advertising under some states’ laws and attorney ethics rules. This site complies with the ethical rules for attorney advertising in California and New York, as well as the American Bar Association’s Model Rules. LO AJF cannot prevent individuals from accessing this site based on their geographic location, and does not intend this site to serve as an advertisement or offer of availability for employment to anyone in a state in which this site fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.
This site discusses legal work that Mr. Fischer has performed in the past in order to provide general information about his background. Every case is different, and results in a prior case do not guarantee or predict any particular outcome in any future case.
LO AJF sometimes represents clients on a contingency basis, meaning that, as set forth in LO AJF’s representation agreements, such clients do not owe attorneys’ fees to LO AJF unless the case results in the recovery of money. However, if a case results in a judgment against a client of LO AJF, the client may be ordered by the court to pay court costs incurred in the case.